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Personal Values

To be characterized as a genuine person, one must be able to demonstrate authenticity, purity, openness, and the ability to be true to oneself when interacting with others.  A genuine relationship is therefore one in which the two individuals involved can be candid, authentic, and real with one another.   These are exactly the type of relationships I value.  I thrive on the development of relationships that are genuine, meaningful, and long-lasting.  As opposed to having hundreds of surface-level relationships with people I hardly know, I prefer to have a relatively small number of genuine relationships with people who make me feel our interactions are relaxed, natural, and honest.

Genuine Relationships

Personal wellness is the state of well-being one has garnered through development of a healthy balance between body, mind, and spirit.  A healthy well-being can have a lasting, positive impact on your health, attitude, energy, and motivation; contrastingly, an unhealthy, unbalanced well-being can destructively impact your health, attitude, energy, and motivation.  I firmly believe in the power of a healthy well-being, and value the wellness of myself and those who are most important to me.  I believe one must nourish their body, mind, and spirit with positive sustenance to sustain their happiness, health, and overall well-being.  Examples of nourishment I require to improve my wellness include laughter, knowledge, exercise, interactions with valued people and animals, sleep, relaxation, and music.  Personal wellness is important to me because I believe a healthy well-being is necessary to live a physically healthy, emotionally happy life, to accomplish life aspirations and goals, and to maintain a positive outlook toward, and appreciation of, life itself.

Working toward my own personal wellness has been a challenge my entire life; balance is incredibly difficult to achieve when juggling various responsibilities that require your time and attention and can detract from time spent on nourishment.  Therefore, I take deliberative actions to ensure that I support my wellness.  I exercise on my own, in group exercise classes, and with a personal trainer to keep active and fit.  I have also learned to take time out each day to relax and re-energize; although this can seem like wasted time when life is hectic, taking ‘me time’ to reenergize helps keep me motivated and productive when later working on tasks and goals.  Additionally, I surround myself with people who fill me with positive energy and support my journey toward a balanced well-being.

I believe that life is what you make of it, and that your attitude and view on life becomes your reality.  Therefore, I value a positive outlook on life.  Having a positive outlook means to intentionally focus on the good in any given situation, despite challenges that may also be present.  By valuing a positive outlook, I also value optimism, happiness, and enthusiasm.  Furthermore, this value includes appreciation of life and gratitude for simple things that can make a big difference.  I specifically choose to call this value a positive outlook as opposed to happiness, because I view a positive outlook as a vehicle to achieve happiness; my happiness is dependent upon my perception of life.

Balancing a personal life, graduate-level courses, and an internship in residence life can be challenging and quite stressful at times.  However, I have come to realize that there are many simple things that occur each day that are positive should be appreciated.  To fully appreciate these positive snippets from each day, I keep a reflective blog called "The Happy Panda" where I specifically jot down any events and moments from that were positive, warmed my heart, or kept my spirits up throughout the day.

We are given one life to live.  Therefore, I believe we have a responsibility to take advantage of all opportunities to develop our individual potential and contribute to the world around us throughout our lives.  I want to be able to look back on my life and realize that I have no regrets; that I developed into an admirable person I am proud of; and that I was able to leave the world a little bit better than before I started.  As such, I strive to maximize my potential throughout my life.  I value taking risks, exploring the unknown, developing personally and professionally, life-long learning, service to others, innovation, and contribution.  I believe that each of these tenets is necessary to maximize one’s potential.

In our profession, we emphasize the importance of life-long learning and holistic development of college students.  I believe that this same learning and development are necessary for all people to live fulfilling lives.  I value feeling confident in my work and abilities, increasing my own competence and skillsets, and accomplishing self-defined goals.  I am a high-achiever and want to continuously develop and improve myself throughout my life.  I also strive to have a positive impact on the lives on others and in the larger community.

To be passionate is to have an intense feeling of love, excitement, and enthusiasm toward an activity, cause, or person.  I believe in following your heart and engaging in activities that you are most enthusiastic about and energize you.  I do not value indifference and apathy; instead, I value high levels of enthusiasm and ambition.  I want to love the life I live, and live the life I love.  I believe that people are most happy, successful, and dedicated when engaging in activities and causes that they are passionate about.  Passion is the motivational force that drives our energy and commitment to something.

Personal Wellness

Positive Outlook


Maximizing Potential

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